Symprove Review: Is the popular water based probiotic really worth it?

Probiotics have been a popular topic in the health and wellness community for some time now. As someone who has food allergies, my gut is extra sensitive when it comes to certain foods so when I found Symprove, I knew I had to give it a try!

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Probiotics are good-for-you bacteria that are said to help promote a healthy gut and help balance your gut microbiome. When it comes to gut health, many don’t know that the gut is considered to be home to our body’s “second brain”.

We all know the importance of brain health and slowly but surely we’re finding out the connection from our gut to the rest of our body. So much that we do/feel actually comes from the gut’s nervous system so it’s only right that we take care of it.

In short, probiotics help nourish the gut with good bacteria to balance out the “bad” stuff we collect from western diets.


Depending on how you prefer to take probiotics, they can be found anywhere! At your local grocery store, they can be found in a form of yogurt, kimchi, kombucha, some pickles, powders, capsules – even in a form of a granola bar.


Unlike other probiotics on the market, Symprove is uniquely formulated with 4 live strains of good bacteria, is water-based and is backed by scientific research.

What makes this specific probiotic extra unique versus the rest is that it does not trigger digestion! That’s right, if you take Symprove you can rest assured that you will not have an unexpected bowel movement at an unwanted time 🙂

Instead, your gut will slowly but surely start working with the good bacteria to heal itself and regulate your digestive system. At least that’s how I imagine it all works, idk though, so for legal reasons….don’t quote me haha

Another thing that makes Symprove so amazing is that it contains 4 live…yes, LIVE strains of good bacteria. First of all, I had no idea that was possible and second, I feel bamboozled by probiotics everywhere!

Like most of you, I’m sure, I was focused on the WRONG information when it came to probiotics. I thought “8 billion CFU, that must be good.” One thing I found out though is that just because the number is huge doesn’t mean the product will work. At the end of the day, it comes down to how many strands of good bacteria can make it and survive in your gut.

While capsules, powders, bars, etc are also great ways to get your probiotics in, Symprove is changing the game by providing us bloat sufferers with LIVE bacteria in a liquid form so the good stuff makes it directly to the gut vs taking a capsule (powder or what have you) and having the bacteria go through the digestive tract risking that good bacteria may not even make it to the gut. Talk about a waste of money smh.

Symprove Mango and Passion Fruit Flavor


One of the many reasons why I love Symprove is that since it is in a liquid form, it has no room for fillers! Symprove’s ingredients are all gluten-free, vegan-friendly, dairy free and the total ingredients (minus the 4 strands of live bacteria) add up to ONLY 5 compared to others. Here’s the list of ingredients so you can take a look for yourself.

Bacteria Strains: Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Enterococcus faecium, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus plantarum.

Made with: Water, Extract of germinated barley, Sodium citrate, Potassium sorbate, <1% Sucralose for flavoring


Symprove is for everyone! According to the website, Symprove can be taken by children, women who are pregnant or breastfeeding or anyone with an autoimmune disorder provided you speak to your primary care physician first.


Incorporating Symprove into your daily life is super easy! Simply wake up, go to the fridge, pour yourself a quarter, take it on an empty stomach and wait for 10 minutes before you drink your coffee or eat breakfast.

During these 10 minutes, I usually make my coffee, and put the dishes away from the night before or recently, I started challenging myself to do 10 minutes of jump rope so I can start my day feeling great.



Everybody is different so I HIGHLY suggest talking to your doctor if you feel that something is up with you or your gut.

Personally, I noticed I started breaking out a lot, I was getting skin rashes from certain foods (gluten specifically), I had eczema, felt sluggish… to the point I could not get out of bed for the life of me on certain days, I was getting depressed and to top it off I was either always bloated, constipated or had diarrhea. Once again tmi but we’re a family here…no judgments.


I’ve been taking Symprove daily for the past 2 months and it has been an absolute game-changer for me!

1. Less Bloating

I suffer from food allergies (possibly IBS but it has not been medically diagnosed.) I’ve tried so many other forms of probiotics from 8 billion CFU capsules to probiotic granola bars, the HUM Nutrition probiotic, you name it and no matter what, I always ended up bloated at the end of the day.

Since adding Symprove to my diet, I have seen a significant change to the way I feel by end of day.

2. More Energy

This may have a lot to do with me eating more clean and whole foods, but I have noticed that I have more energy throughout the day.

3. Clearer, more glowy Skin

We’ve all heard that a healthy gut is key to less acne and blemishes. I’ll be the first to say that I was skeptical about that until I started to see a huge change in my skin and the way it looks and feels.

4. Regulated Bowel Movements

Ok, tmi but like I’ve said before, we’re all friends here right? Before I started Symprove I swear to you I either had a bowel movement every 3 days or I was constipated for almost a week. Surprisingly my doctor said that was normal but I was always in pain, felt gassy and sluggish and just wanted to sleep.

It’s so crazy to finally be on a regulated schedule! I can’t remember the last time I felt this good about my system.

5. Better Mood

Like I mentioned before, the gut is linked to so much more than just your digestive system. Once I started taking Symprove and cleaned up my diet, I swear I started seeing such a huge difference in my overall mood and mental health.

Don’t believe me? Check out this article on how the gut can influence mood and prevent depression.

What’s your take on probiotics? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below! Would love to see other brands that have worked for you all!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Sarah

    oh wow i had no clue about probiotics – i’ve been seeing more and more people RAVE about them, I’ll check out symprove. sounds yummy 🙂

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