7 Surprising Health Benefits of Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar

We’ve all heard that drinking apple cider vinegar (ACV) is good for your overall health and general wellness right?

According to numerous studies and health sites, drinking 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar daily boasts many benefits including weight loss, so of course I had to give it a try!

From boosting heart health and decreasing cancer risks to simpler, yet beneficial things like an appetite suppressant and regulated bowels, apple cider vinegar holds health and gut healing properties that we can all benefit from.

If you haven’t tried the apple cider vinegar drink but want to know what it’s all about, I’m here to spill ALL the tea on how it went, if it made a difference and if it’s even worth your time, effort and taste buds.

So what exactly happened in the 2 weeks I drank the infamous detox drink? Here are the seven most surprising health benefits I experienced while drinking apple cider vinegar daily.

1. Had to pee more often  

This may be TMI but we’re being honest here. Because ACV is a diuretic, I noticed that after drinking the ACV drink, I had to pee more frequent and it had a stronger smell (like after you eat asparagus.)  

After doing some research I found out that ACV  alkalinizes the urine aka it raises the pH, therefore, causes the urine color and the odor to change. The more you know 🌈

2. Skin Cleared Up

This “side effect” if you will has been one of my favorites! If you’ve been following my blog you know that my skin was in a rough spot a few months back.

I had a bunch of hormonal acne and scarring so I went to get a light chemical peel, changed some products, and told you guys everything I did to clear my skin up.

To be completely honest, my skin did break out the first week I started drinking the ACV. I figured it was because there were toxins leaving my body so I didn’t freak out too much.

Fast forward to week two and my skin started to look and feel amazing. My mom even commented on how clear and glowy it looked!

If you don’t know, acne is said to have a connection with your gut microbiome. Since ACV is considered to be a probiotic, it helps clear out “bad stuff” in the gut thus your skin benefits from a healthy gut…..from what I understand.

3. Regulated Bowel Movements  

Once again, TMI but eh, we’re all friends here! Drinking ACV definitely helped regulate my poop schedule.

Before I started drinking it I didn’t really have a “schedule” per say. Now, I feel like my bowels are more regulated to the point that I can comfortably go when I need to instead of going a day or two without ya know….going #2. Lol

4. Reduced appetite

If it were up to me I’d eat ALL day! However, after taking the ACV I can comfortably get through the morning without snacking.

My eating schedule usually goes like this:

8am: ACV drink

9am: Black Coffee

10:30: Breakfast (avo toast or oatmeal with a protein shake)

12:45:  Lunch

5:30: Dinner

9:00pm : ACV Drink

I typically try to make 5:30 be my last meal of the day and then I fast until 10:30 the next morning when I eat my breakfast.

I’ve found that on days when I skip the drink I’m starving by 9 am but I tough it out. If you want to fast, I definitely recommend adding this drink to your daily routine. It has definitely helped me with hunger.

5. Felt More Energized

Not sure if this is directly related to the ACV drink or the fact that I’ve been eating cleaner, but I’ve definitely seen a spike in my energy levels despite having an office job.  Buh-bye mid-afternoon green tea! (though sometimes I drink it because I really like it lol)

6. Mental Clarity

Along with higher energy levels, I’ve also experienced more mental clarity and general alertness.

You know that midday fog you get sometimes, I haven’t experienced that while drinking ACV and it’s been so great! I legit feel more alert and focused throughout the day.

7. Weight loss

Though it’s not a huge amount and it can also be attributed to my clean eating, I did notice I lost .5lbs of subcutaneous fat (the fat around your belly you can pinch.)

I calculate this using my FITINDEX scale which tells me my body fat percentage, and subcutaneous fat along with other handy information.

In total, however, I have lost 3lbs in two weeks by eating clean, doing 30-45 minutes of cardio every day and drinking the ACV drink.

Is it worth a try?

All in all, I really liked drinking the apple cider vinegar drink. I was psyched out at first because all the reviews I saw were people saying that the taste was awful but to be honest, I didn’t mind the taste.

Cons of Drinking ACV

Like any other thing in life, too much of something isn’t always good. When drinking ACV it’s important to note that there ARE some downsides.

  • The taste isn’t that great (though if you’re like me and like sour stuff it isn’t too bad)
  • Can erode tooth enamel (this is why it is important to dilute the ACV in water and drink out of a straw.
  • Drinking too much can cause your potassium levels to drop
  • May affect medications that treat diabetes and heart disease
  • Can irritate the throat and stomach
  • Can alter insulin levels

Who Should Try the Apple Cider Vinegar Detox?

The apple cider vinegar drink can be tried by anyone who would like to enjoy the many benefits it holds. However, it is ALWAYS a good idea to let your doctor know.

Remember that certain medicines don’t do well combined with ACV so please disclose with your doctor if you’re on any medication and want to try this out.


I’ve really been enjoying the benefits I’ve been getting from drinking apple cider vinegar daily.

Remember, just because something has worked for ME or someone else does not mean it will work for you.

If you’d like to try the drink for yourself this is the recipe I used. Some people add organic honey, and some put it in green tea. It’s all up to you and your preference.

The Recipe:

2 tbsp lemon juice

2 tbsp ACV with Mother

1 tbsp raw + unfiltered honey

Sprinkle of cayenne pepper

Have you tried the apple cider vinegar drink? Let me know your thoughts in the comments! I’d love to hear about your experience!

This Post Has 11 Comments

  1. Chantal Porter

    I felt that when you said the fat around your belly that you can pinch. I’ve tried ACV but at the time my eating habits were poor so I’m thinking trying it again, thanks to you.

    1. Cynthia

      The most annoying fat lol Yes girl tell me how it goes! I tried ACV before but my eating wasn’t good either so obviously I didn’t see results and gave up. This time I’ve been better and I swear its helping me stay energized.

  2. Lisa

    At first when I started to read this I thought you drank the apple cider vinegar straight, which would be tough. I’m glad to know that’s not the case! Thanks for sharing the recipe.

    1. Cynthia

      lol that would definitely be rough

  3. Pernille

    Huh, that was surprising. You make me laugh in the best way. Great and different post (at least to me). Keep it up.

    1. Cynthia

      Thank you for reading! Glad I could make you laugh a bit 🙂 the world needs more laughter

  4. Britt

    Interesting, I’ve been reading quite a bit about this but haven’t given it a try. However, I definitely enjoyed reading about all the benefits that you were experiencing.

  5. Julia Markle

    I use it diluted (at least 50%) with water as a skin toner almost daily after washing my face. It really helps to give my skin a healthy glow and has helped to remove a few dark spots.
    I’ve also used it as a hair rinse 1 – 2 times a week and had good results there too!

    1. Cynthia

      that’s amazing! I’m going to have to give that a try!

  6. Udoma G

    I used it and it make me pee quite a lot

  7. C SCOTT

    I tried APC for any annoyingly itchy scalp recently, after having spent a lot of money going to a dermatologist who then also prescribed costly ointments that didn’t work. I tried other recommended oils such as witch Hazel – peppermint. – sage etc.. and these provided some relief – but short term. And hey presto found an APC article recently whilst browsing – went and got my £1 bottle of Apple Cider Vinegar – diluted it with water – applied to scalp and ohhhh what blissful relief… Itching has gone….

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