8 Must Have Essentials for a Successful Road Trip

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Some of the best memories I have made this far in life have been made during a road trip. 

Whether it was a two-hour drive to Solvang, CA, four-hour drive to Vegas, six hours to Ensenada, Baja California or simply doing the five-hour drive to visit my parents in Stockton, road trips are, and have become a very important part of my life.  

I’ve yet to do a cross-country road trip but my frequent road miles make me confident I can provide you with a quality list to make your next road trip total memory-making success! 

So let’s get to it! 

Disclaimer: As you know I share lifestyle, beauty and wellness tips with awesome people like you! Naturally, my posts may contain affiliate links to some of my favorite products and services. This means if you shop through my links I may receive a small commission so that I can continue to fund the blog (and coffee addiction) at no cost to you. Thank you for your support!

1. A killer playlist 

Nothing sets the mood for a road trip more than the music being played. 

From the moment you turn the car on getting ready to drive off, to the moment you pull up to your driveway, think of your playlist as something like the soundtrack to your life while you’re on the road. 

To this day, certain songs take me back to those long drives singing at the top of my lungs with friends. (*insert Back that Ass Up – Juvenille here* haha good times) 

2. Snacks on snacks on snacks

I don’t know about you guys but I live for snacks, snacking and just general junk food eating. (I’ve been working really hard to kick the habit though!)

Snacks are seriously a road trip essential. Especially for those long in-between drives where there are no gas stations or nearby cities for miles. 

Believe me, you don’t want to be stuck in the middle of nowhere, hangry and hot. 

Some of my favorite road trip snacks include: Hot Cheetos (duh!),  Cheeze-its, Pistachios or general nuts, granola bars and believe it or not, PB & J supplies. 

Don’t forget the cooler either! It comes in handy when you need to keep your drinks (and snacks) cold and it can double up as a storage container when you want to tidy up the car a bit.

3. Car charger

A good, reliable car charger can make all the difference.

If you’re like me and use your phone for the GPS it can be stressful having to worry about battery life.

Having an unreliable car charger can additionally add to that stress making life on the road not so fun. 

In an effort to save money, I bought a car charger from the dollar store that would take HOURS to fully charge my phone. I MEAN HOURS! 

 In another case, I bought a cheap charger after that one broke at a gas station and instead of charging my phone, it would additionally drain the battery if it was under 15 percent. 

FML right! Luckily, I found this fast-charging charger that has been a lifesaver! I’ve had it for two years and that bad boy is still going strong.  

4. Baby wipes

Don’t underestimate the power of a baby wipe

Those things are so diverse and always come in handy while on the road!

 I’ve used them to clean my hands after I eat, clean spilled coffee, ketchup, you name it, the baby wipe has your back.

5. Water and Water Jug 

Aside from energy drinks, coffee, and Gatorade (gotta get those electrolytes), water is definitely a road trip must-have. 

Not only can it be used to hydrate yourself and your friends after all the caffeine and sugar, you can also use it to wash your hands, and face and even add water to your car as needed. 

I’ve been using this water bottle for almost two years and I highly recommend it! It keeps water hot or cold and can be shared with 2 people. 

6. Sunglasses

There’s nothing more annoying than being stuck in a car with no eye protection. 

I made the mistake of forgetting my glasses on the last road trip I took and man did I regret it! 

It was so hard for me to find a pair I liked on the road (yeah I was being picky) AND the prices at gas stations were RIDICULOUS! 

7. Medicine 

This tip will save your life! (no pun intended lol) You will never understand how annoying getting sick on the road is until it happens to you.

I’ve gotten a migraine, bad allergies, bad hangover you name it and I was NEVER prepared. 

That’s changed over time. I now carry a little essential pack with migraine pills, Advil, allergy medication, bandaids even Tums for my boyfriend. 

Not only does carrying them with me give me peace of mind, but it also saves money for more fun things. 

Pills and medicines at gas stations and convenience stores are so overpriced you’re better off saving the money and using it for gas or food. 

8. Camera

Aside from water and food, my camera is my best friend. 

I’m no photog by all means but I ALWAYS want to take pictures to remember where I’ve been and to bring me back to that exact moment later on in life. 

*Bonus* Car emergency kit

The last thing you want during your road trip is to have car troubles. Trust me.I also had the pleasure of learning that the hard way 🤦🏽‍♀️

Now I permanently carry an emergency car kit with jumper cables, a flashlight and a few other goodies that will save the day in case of a car emergency.  

Summer is all about memories, experiences and road trips! Hope you enjoyed this short, yet handy little list. If you’re going on a road trip this summer, comment on some of your road trip must-haves. I’d love to hear what you guys take along with you! 

As always, talk soon babes!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Deborah Kos

    I love this post especially if you know you are going on car trips. It is a great checklist for summer vacations.

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