How to Boost Your Mood In 5 Easy Ways

Adulting isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Remember being a kid and wanting nothing more than to grow up and do whatever you wanted. Boy were we WRONG! 

The thing is, life is a roller coaster full of ups and downs and I don’t know about you, but sometimes even at my highest highs, I still feel a little down in the dumps for no particular reason. *Queue world’s smallest violin* 

If you ever feel in a funk despite life going great, just know you’re not alone! There are so many reasons why you may feel this way, but if there’s one thing I’ve come to realize in my 29 years of living, your overall mood has a huge effect on the way you view or experience life.

To help you deal with and get out of that annoying and funky state of mind, I’d like to share these 5 easy ways to boost your mood.


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Go Outside

One of my favorite ways to destress and decompress is going hiking. I can be in the worst of moods but a simple hike can change all that! 

Not only do my endorphins get going when I hike, but being out in nature has a way of letting me forget about my woes. For one, I feel so little and almost vulnerable being out in nature that my worries seem to be even smaller and two, I get a good workout so not only does my mood get a boost, but so does my confidence. 

Hiking puts me in such a great state of mind that I try to do it as often as possible. It’s almost a ritual for me to hike up a mountain every Saturday or Sunday and let go of my worries, stress, and anything else I may be carrying from the week.

Take a Bath

We all know that taking a bath is the ULTIMATE “treat yoself” moment. Especially if you’re a mom or a busy boss babe like me! 

Taking a hot bath is not only relaxing, it helps us de-stress and calms our body’s nervous system instantly boosting our overall mood.

So go on, pop that bottle of wine, light a candle, and run yourself a little bath. Your mind and body will thank you later!


I’m such a huge proponent of working out and making myself a better person mentally and physically day after day!

Before I started my journey at the gym, I constantly felt sad and depressed despite everything being good in life. I remember I would look at the mirror and hated how I looked but I wasn’t doing anything about it. I would also eat like shit and would feel like shit afterward (first-world problems huh.)

That all changed after I decided to start taking my physical fitness more seriously and got myself a gym membership. Yeah, I’ve had a few hiccups along the way, but the amount of confidence I’ve gained from seeing my body change and challenging it almost daily has made me a better, happier person.

If you’re not much of a workout person, try taking a 20 minute walk, rollerblading, or basically anything that can get your heart rate up and I promise you’ll mood will change almost instantaneously! 

I can be anxious, sad, or stressed and going to the gym will help me get rid of that negative energy and turn it into something that boosts my mood and challenges me both mentally and physically. 

Change Up Your Look

Truth is, we all like to look and feel good, even if it’s just for our own pleasure.

Remember how I said I would look in the mirror and HATE how I looked? Keyword: looked. This was physical and my general appearance. 

It’s not vain or narcissistic; it’s completely normal to want to look and feel your best. You see, when we look and feel like our best selves, we tend to automatically be in a good mood and perform better at whatever it is we’re doing. 

If you’re feeling in a funk, grab that eye shadow palette you’ve been wanting to try, maybe reach for your favorite highlighter and fan brush and boost your mood by doing your makeup! It sounds vain af but to be honest, doing my makeup and feeling “pretty” definitely boots my mood and spirits.

Start A New Project or Pick Up a Hobby

Not only can starting a new project or picking up a new hobby boost your mood, it allows you to explore your talents, and express yourself creatively, and takes you out of the negative headspace. 

When we have our minds set on reaching a certain goal or creating something, we become so focused on it we tend to let go of things that bum us out. Not only that but working toward something that you like gives you a sense of self-worth and value. Like you’re not just a slave to your job or school. 

Before starting this blog I was in a pretty weird space where I felt lost and pretty unhappy with life in general. Once I started working out and putting more of my energy into writing and the blog I started to notice my overall outlook in life to be more optimistic and my overall mood started to get better and better. 

* BONUS* Have A Cheat Day

Nothing will boosts your mood more than letting go of restraints, so why not treat yourself to a cheat day!

Believe it or not, having a cheat day at least once a week can help boost your metabolism. This happens because your body increases the production of leptin, a hormone that’s released by fat cells. 

In all seriousness though, there’s nothing more freeing than letting loose and just living your life. Don’t overindulge of course, but take a day for yourself where you enjoy your favorite snacks and junk foods.

What do you do to boost your mood? Let me know in the comments below!

As always, talk soon babes!

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Thinklikeart

    its actually so hard to boost ur mood. i always go for a walk or just pamper myself

    keep up the amazing work hun x

    1. Cynthia

      It definitely takes work and mental power to boost your mood! I’ve learned to stop focusing on the negatives and do what I can to be a little happier your know. Going for a walk and pampering yourself is a great start to turn your mood around.

  2. Paris

    I can’t agree enough with your point about going outside. It’s amazing the wonders that a 10 minute walk can do, let alone a hike!

    1. Cynthia

      YES! a simple walk is so relaxing but a hike challenges you physically AND mentally. I love it!

  3. Rudy Stankowitz

    Going outside always does it for me, but that whole “cheat day” idea 🙌🏻

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