How to stick to your New Year’s Resolutions without losing your mind

Every year around this time we start seeing the popular saying “new year, new you” all over social media. This year though, I want to refocus my new year’s resolutions and instead of trying to change myself to become a “new” version, I want to accept who I am and use these next 365 days to become a better, more authentic version of myself. 

Why the change? Recently I was on a 5 hour solo road trip to visit my mom and I randomly thought about the whole “new year, new you” concept and how toxic it can be for our mental health.

We’re constantly told we’re not good enough and have to fix ourselves or become someone/something “new” in order to fit in or feel better. This year, I decided to take ownership of who I am and instead becoming someone “new ” I’ll take my lessons 2020 brought me and evolve into who I’m meant to be.

New Year’s resolutions are already a bitch to complete without you feeling like you need to change who you are. If you’re on the same boat as I am, I’ve compiled a list of tips to help keep you on track this coming year.

Before we dive in, make sure you follow me on Instagram and follow my Facebook Page. I’ll be posting more about working with brands, making money online with less than 500 followers and general health and wellness tips since I will completing my nutrition certification this spring. 

Ok, now for the good stuff! 


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5 Tips for sticking to your New Year’s resolutions: 

Create a vision board 

I personally love me a good vision board! Creating a vision board will help you visualize your goals so you can take action. It’ll also help keep track of what you’ve accomplished so you can tackle your goals one at a time.

Think in 90 day increments start small 

Something that really helped me stick to my goals and New Year’s resolutions last year was breaking up my goals and thinking in 90 day increments. It’s easy to say “I’ll lose 30 lbs by next year” and then you feel like you have all that time. Instead, breaking that up by saying “I’ll lose 5 to 10 lbs in 90 days really applies pressure so you actually want to accomplish your goal.

Change one behavior at a time 

It can be extremely overwhelming to change multiple things at once so I encourage you to take baby steps so you set yourself up for success. Instead of saying you’re only eating clean, you’ll start workout 7 times a week and won’t have any carbs, start small and implement one resolution at a time.

Work out 3 times a week and in the 90 days increase it to 5 or 6, eat clean every other day and slowly remove carbs. Doing it this way will allow you to work on everything you want to without being overwhelmed and feeling like you failed.

Be accountable!

Ok so we all know accountability partners are a thing and they can help you stay in track right? Well, if you’re like me and rather work on yourself and your goals without letting everyone know, an accountability calendar can be just what you need!

An accountability calendar or tracker is basically a 90 day goal sheet (or calendar) where you track your goals and the progress.

One tip I have is to color code your days – say your goal is to drink 8 glasses of water but you only drank 5, girl, THAT COUNTS! I usually color code my tracker to reflect my days. Green means I completed that days goal, yellow means, I was at least half way there, red means I missed it. This will help you get an overview of your lifestyle and habits. Once you start seeing all that red and yellow, trust me, you will get your shit together!

If you’re interested in trying out my habit tracker FOR FREE (filled with 20 pages to help you reach your goals) either send me an email to or follow me on IG and send me a DM 🙂

Find your why 

What is your why? Why do you want to do this? Is it for you or someone else? Having purpose makes it easier to stick to something so before you decide what your resolutions will be for 2021, think about WHY you want to accomplish those goals and create or break those habits.

Keep in mind that in general, people tend to stick to their resolutions if they do them for themselves vs others.

21 New Year’s resolutions for 2021: 

  • Learn a new skill
  • Travel (safely of course)
  • Create a new habit or break a bad one 
  • Step out of your comfort zone 
  • Say yes more often and no when needed 
  • Call a friend or loved one weekly 
  • Check in with yourself daily (because self care and self love is important) 
  • Let go of situations and people that set you back 
  • Create a financial plan 
  • Read or listen to one book monthly 
  • Get healthy (whatever that means to you) 
  • Challenge yourself daily 
  • Wake up 2 hours earlier than usual to not be rushed in the morning 
  • Practice self love by reciting positive affirmations 
  • Start a blog, podcast, YouTube channel…..EXPRESS YOURSELF! 
  • Take 30 minutes a day to do something for yourself 
  • meditate and manifest for 90 days
  • Take a fun class
  • Start an online business
  • Start a new journey (debt free, weight loss, etc)
  • Get certified in something you’ve always wanted to do

If you fail, remember to get back up and try again! A lot can happen in 365 days if you see your resolutions through and not let minor setbacks or hiccups derail your plans to succeed. 

What are some of your New Year’s Resolutions? Would love to see what some of you hope to accomplish within the coming year. 

Until next time!

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