8 Simple Ways To Improve Your Overall Health and Well Being

As I’m getting older (dirty thirty here I come), I’m starting to be more conscious of my mind, body and overall health and well-being.

Though I’d like to think I live a generally healthy lifestyle, the truth is there is always room for improvement. I mean, let’s be real no matter how healthy we think we are there’s always one thing we just can’t give up (hot Cheetos and french fries for me.)

If you’ve followed my weight loss journey throughout the year, you know I’m all about fitness and healthy foods, but health isn’t just physical.

If you want to age like fine wine, you need to take care of yourself from the inside out. These 8 simple tips will help you improve your overall health and well-being.


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1. Get The Right Amount of Sleep

We’ve all heard that getting 8 hours of sleep is key to improving health, jump-starting weight loss among other things. With that being said, it’s clear that getting the right amount of sleep is essential for a healthy lifestyle, but it varies from person to person.

How much sleep you need can all depend on how much exercise you’re doing, what job you do (sedentary or laborous) and your genetics.

You should aim for 7-8 hours, but pay close attention to how you feel after a night’s sleep as you may need more or less. For example, I’m good with 6-7 hours and if I sleep more than 8 I feel groggy and fatigued throughout the day.

For maximum health benefits, make a sleep schedule and stay consistent. Once your body adjusts to the sleeping schedule, you’ll be able to reap the many benefits of sleep.

2. Pay Close Attention To What You Eat And How You Feel Afterwards

Eating well-balanced meals is crucial for your overall health and well-being. Many people don’t know that the foods you put in your body can directly affect your overall mood, energy levels and even mental wellness.

Foods high in antioxidants can help increase blood antioxidant levels that help reduce the risk of diseases. Mood-boosting foods include foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, whole grains, leafy greens, etc.

Women’s nutrition is especially crucial as we begin to age and become mothers. The foods we consume during pre-menstrual cycles, while we breastfeed or go through menopause should be healthier and higher in certain vitamins since our bodies lose vitamins daily.

However, even healthy foods can have a negative impact on the body if they don’t agree with you. This is why you should always pay close attention to how you feel afterward.

Does it make you bloated? Do you have a reaction 1-3 days after eating a certain food? Keep an eye out for such signs when you eat something because chances are, your body is rejecting it or you may be allergic.

3. Stay Hydrated

We all know that drinking water is essential to everyday life and functions. Staying hydrated is crucial for your overall health and well-being because it can help naturally flush your system of toxins, regulates body temperatures, boosts skin health and cushion the brain, spinal cord and other tissues among so many other things!

Some people say to drink 8 glasses of water of day some say a gallon and others say to just drink as much or as little as you like.

The bottom line, drink water! Your body will thank you in the long run!

4. Do Exercise That You Enjoy

Finding exercise that you enjoy is a must if you want to stick with it. Simply put, if you don’t enjoy it, you’re not going to want to do it.

If you like swimming, swim. If you like walking, walk. There are no rules as long as you aim to do it regularly and you enjoy it!

5. Do Things For Yourself, Not For Others

Whether it’s exercise, quitting smoking or having certain procedures, you should be doing it for yourself, not for others.

Many women fall under social pressure to do things they wouldn’t normally be comfortable doing. Whether it’s as simple as losing weight, getting a new hair or nail color to something more serious like a boob job or other cosmetic surgery, be sure that you do things that you’re comfortable doing FOR YOURSELF!

6. Practice Self Care Daily

Daily self-care can be anything from 30 minutes to yourself, meditation, journaling or anything that helps you become a better you!

My personal self-care routine is simple, but effective – hot shower, take my vitamins, put on a face mask and watch my favorite shows.

So go on, take a hot bath. Moisturize. File your nails. Put on a face mask. Take care of yourself first so you can take of your days with confidence!

7. Find A Hobby You Really Care About 

Finding a hobby or creative outlet can really help your overall health and well-being.

Doing something you really enjoy can help relieve yourself of daily stresses and help with mental clarity. Not only that, but a hobby allows you to express yourself and explore your talents.

8. Understand Your Period

You don’t need to get all scienc-y with it, but you should have a good idea of when you are supposed to start your period and what you feel like in the weeks leading up to it/afterward.

This can give you a huge insight into why you feel the way you do and what you can do to make your life easier. For example, many women suffer from mood swings and skin issues before they start their period, but don’t understand why until it happens. We’ve all seen the meme about crying for literally nothing and then starting your period “I knew I wasn’t a weak bitch” lol Understanding your cycle enables you to make the most of each stage of it!

Making small changes, paying attention to your body and its needs and taking care of yourself mentally and physically can really make a difference in you overall health and well-being.

What are some things you do to help improve your quality of life? Let me know in the comments below!

Talk soon babes,

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